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Social media is a great way for developers to gain support from the community, engage with potential investors, and even livestream and upload progress videos to their audience. But how can you utilize social media, and what kind of results can you expect?



With the explosion of social media, it can be hard to decide what platforms to go with. And that’s perfectly fine. Using a combination of platforms is a great idea. But try to stick with the popular ones. These include:

– Facebook

– Youtube

– LinkedIn

– Instagram

– Twitter

– Pinterest

These sites all already have a huge user base and can be easily marketed to.



Branding is what makes you instantly recognizable. You’ll want to really think out a great branding strategy, but here are three questions that you should answer before you begin solidifying your brand:

– What is your company’s message?

– What does your brand stand for?

– Who is your target audience?



Having a great social media campaign can help to do the following:

– Increase your website’s inbound traffic.

– Increase your conversion rates.

– Improve your customers’ insight.

– Decrease your total marketing costs.

This doesn’t come without work, however. Creating a marketable brand and a great campaign take effort and research. Social media is a reflection of both. Make sure that your online presence is the best portrayal of your brand and your work.



You’ll want to make sure that you’re posting great content. While it’s good to engage with your audience, you’ll want to consider if these are customers you’re dealing with directly or businesses that want a more professional touch. Cater your posts to your audience, and make sure that all posts exhibit:

– Quality.

– Value.

– Relevance.



Don’t just pick and choose what functions you use – utilize every aspect of social media that you have available to you – as long as it’s relevant. This can help your customers see the dedication and effort that goes into your work.

Just because you’re in real estate development doesn’t mean you shouldn’t connect with your customers and build your online presence. If you have a business, it’s important to establish both your brand and your online presence to ensure that you reach the absolute maximum amount of clients as possible.